
Variation of Energy Density and Mass Density of Photon with Wavelength
Saddam Husain Dhobi1, Kishori Yadav2, Bhishma Karki3

1Saddam Husain Dhobi, Department of Physics, Patan Multiple Campus, Lalitpur-44700, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

2Kishori Yadav, Department of Physics, Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur-44700, Nepal.

3Bhishma Karki, Department of Physics, Trichandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathamndu-44600, Nepal.

Manuscript received on 31 September 2021 | Revised Manuscript received on 06 October 2021 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 October 2021 | Manuscript published on 30 October 2021 | PP: 1-5 | Volume-1 Issue-2, October 2021 | Retrieval Number:100.1/ijap.B1003101121 | DOI: 10.54105/ijap.B1003.101221

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Abstract: The mass density and energy density of visible photon is calculated as 10-8 Kgm-3 and 109jm3 respectively. Moreover it is also observed that mass density and energy density of photon depend upon photons mass, wavelength, volume and energy. This is clear from figure 1, figure 2 and literatures. Therefore the mass density and energy density of photon varies with masses of photon, wavelength, volume, etc.

Keywords: Mass density, Energy Density, Wavelength, Volume and Energy etc.
Scope of the Article: Optics and Spectroscopy